Creating iOS Projects in Xcode

When you launch Xcode, you will be prompted with the welcome screen. On the left of the welcome screen are your options for creating a new Xcode project, just below the option to creating a new playground.

If Xcode is already running and you don't see the welcome screen, you can create a new project by going File->New->Project...

Choose a Project Type

You will be prompted with a menu containing two main areas. On the top select the 'iOS' heading; on the right, you will see the list of project templates you can start from. The applications you will be creating will start by using a Single View Application. Select Single View App, and then click 'Next' in the lower right of this menu.

Enter Project Details

Next, the menu will display a dialog letting you fill in information about the project you want to create, starting with the 'Product Name'. This will be the application's name displayed under its icon, and its title in the app store. The product's name is chosen by the person, or company, who creates it.

The 'Team' field lets you define what development team you are part of (mostly relevant to larger companies/organizations).

The 'Organization Name' for the project should be your company's name (e.g.“Algonquin College”), or, if you plan to develop apps on your own, you can use your name (e.g.“Jon Doe”). This is displayed as the name of the company or the individual who created the application.

The 'Organization Identifier' is a company's unique Apple identifier, and is used in file naming to uniquely identify your company's products from other companies. Algonquin College is the company I work for in this situation, so by convention I should use 'com.algonquincollege' as my Organization Identifier. If you use your own name (Jon Doe), then your Organization Identifier would be com.jondoe.

The 'Bundle Identifier' is generated by adding your product name after your Organization Identifier separated by a dot. If your Product Name is “My app” and your Organization Identifier is “com.jondoe” then your Bundle Identifier generated would be “com.jondoe.My-app” with spaces being replaced by dashes.

The 'Language' selection lets you choose what coding language you would like to use: Objective-C or Swift. In this class you will be choosing Swift for your projects.

Lastly, make sure you do not have any of the boxes checked for 'Use Core Data', 'Include Unit Tests', and 'Include UI Tests' as we will not be using those options, and click Next in the lower right.

Choose Project Location

You will see a Finder dialog where you must choose where to save a project folder that will contain all of your project's files, and then click Create in the lower right. Xcode creates this folder in the location you have chosen, and places all the needed files and folders needed for your starting project.

You are now ready to code.


You should only use Xcode to modify the folders, files and assets for your project. Do not manually edit the content through the macOS Finder.

This next videos will introduce some key iOS development ideas, and walk you through the steps to create your first iOS project in Xcode:

iOS 11 Fundamentals - Creating an iOS Project in Xcode Pluralsight

iOS 11 Fundamentals - How to Learn iOS Pluralsight

Back to Week 4

Last Updated: 9/29/2020, 5:00:23 PM