Assignment 2: Event List


In this assignment you will be creating an iOS application that will display a list of events in the main view of the application using a TableView. Each event’s title will be listed in a separate cell of TableView in this initial view.  A NavigationController will be embedded in this initial TableView, and a segue will be connected from the Prototype Cell of the TableView to the second ViewController.

Clicking on any of the cells in table will transition the user to a second view that will have a label to display the event title, and the date. It will also have a textView to display the event description. The textView must be set to not allow editing, of its text, and be able to detect Phone Numbers, web Links and Addresses.

Marks Rubric

Setup (2pt)

  • Create a new iOS Single View Application project in Xcode. (1pt)
  • Import the Event, and Schedule class from your first assignment into your project folder. (1pt)

Storyboard (16pt)

  • Create a TableViewController and set it as the initial view of the application. (2pt)
  • Add a new swift file for a custom UITableViewController class. (1pt)
  • Set the custom class for your TableViewController. (1pt)
  • Embed a NavigationController in the TableViewController. (1pt)
  • Connect the Prototype Cell in the TableView to the regular ViewController with a Segue. (1pt)
  • In the second ViewController add 2 Labels and a TextView object. (3pt)
  • Connect the Labels and TextView to IBOutlets. (3pt)
  • Edit the TextView Attributes to turn Editable off, and Phone Number, Link and Address on. (4pt)

Schedule - TableViewController (11pt)

  • Create a (non-optional) Schedule object to use in your tableViewController class. (1pt)
  • Add at least 3 default test events to the schedule using the addNewEvent() function. (3pt)
  • Use the eventArray count in the schedule object to set the number of rows for the table. (1pt)
  • Set each TableViewCell label text to the title of one of the events from the schedule. (2pt)
  • When the user taps on a cell in the table the application must pass the corresponding event object to the destination viewController’s Event property. (4pt)

Event Info - ViewController (4pt)

  • Create an optional Event property in this class to hold the data passed from the tableView. (1pt)
  • In the viewDidLoad() function set the title and date labels, and the description textView to the data stored within the optional Event object. (3pt)

Quality Control (5pt)

  • Clear and descriptive naming of variable, functions and identifiers (2pt)
  • Well commented code describing all main functionality (2pt)
  • Project compiles and runs without errors (1pt)

Total: 38pt


Submit a .zip file of your assignment through Brightspace.

Use the following naming convention for submissions: for example -

Due by: Oct. 16, 11:59pm

Section 300

Section 310

Last Updated: 11/26/2020, 8:41:08 PM